Teresius AI - BITCOIN Forecasts and AI Image Identification



User Manual


Table of Contents




This version (TERESIUS_FORECAST.exe) of the software complex (hereinafter referred to as the System) is designed to address the task of FORECASTING MARKET QUOTATIONS FOR BITCOIN (BTCUSDT) (Web version of the system for individual users). Currently, there are numerous approaches and systems that tackle the problem of forecasting cryptocurrency market quotations. The proposed version of the system significantly differs from most existing approaches and systems. The software system “takes the initiative” to forecast specific high and low values of BTCUSDT quotations for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 4 hours ahead. It also indicates the standard deviation of the forecast value, which is compared with the standard deviation of volatility over a local period of historical data. These values are variable and are significantly influenced by market quotation dynamics.

All data is sourced from the BTCUSDT futures market quotations of Binance. However, the forecasting results can be utilized for BTCUSDT in both the spot market and quotations from other exchanges. The system outputs forecasts in the form of quotation graphs for high and low values, with data updates occurring every 5 minutes.


The ideology of the forecasting system is as follows. A specially designed neural network searches for and extracts multifractal structures over an extended historical period of quotations. These multidimensional fractal structures, in the form of market patterns, influence the future dynamics of market quotations. The extraction of structures is performed considering a specified length of historical quotation data across all parameters of BTCUSDT: open, high, low, close, volume. Based on the identified multifractal (similarity-based) structures, the neural network is trained with the criterion of maximizing forecasting efficiency for various timeframes. The effectiveness of the forecasts is validated using classical approaches in neural network training—on an independent verification dataset of quotations.

After obtaining the forecasting model, it is applied to predict quotations. Periodically, the neural network model undergoes retraining due to the emergence of new historical data. This is a general outline of the approach, which does not detail the many mathematical and technical nuances that are crucial for developing effective neural network models.

As practice has shown in the application of the system's forecasts, including the creation of automated trading bots, the forecasting system effectively predicts current market trends for BTCUSDT in the majority of market quotation structures. Based on these forecasts, algorithms for equally effective “manual” trading can also be developed.


Access to the forecasting system is provided through the TERESIUS_FORECAST option. The user will be presented with a current forecast chart, which updates every 5 minutes (see Figure 1).

Image 2

Fig 1. BTCUSDT Forecast Chart

The latest current values of candles (for high and low) on a 30-minute timeframe (Binance – futures market) are denoted in black and blue on the chart. The forecasts, respectively for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 4 hours ahead, are marked in red.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: In the upper left corner, the maximum and minimum values for the forecasts (high and low) for each timeframe are displayed. At the bottom, the standard deviation of the forecast for high and low values for each timeframe is indicated. For comparison, one of the volatility indicators for high and low is also provided, representing the standard deviation of the high and low values in adjacent candles over the last 120 local candles (for each timeframe). This value is most correlated with the forecasting error. Comparing the two values—the volatility and the forecasting error based on the standard deviation—allows for an assessment of the effectiveness of the specific forecast.

It is also important to highlight the following nuance: all forecasts for each timeframe are made (in this system version) based on completed candles. However, the time of candle formation naturally differs for each timeframe. This can be significant when interpreting and applying forecasts across different timeframes.

Furthermore, it is essential to keep in mind that forecasts for each timeframe are independent. They are probabilistic in nature and are formed for various overall graphical configurations of multifractals, including temporal durations characterizing the multifractal. This may sometimes lead to apparent contradictions in the characteristics of forecasts across different timeframes.

This system offers evaluations of future quotations. The application of these evaluations and trading algorithms entirely depends on the trader.